Thundering Dawn

by: Puran Singh (Prof.)

  • ₹ 850.00 (INR)

  • ₹ 765.00 (INR)
  • Hardback
  • ISBN: 978-0-6451695-0-7
  • Edition(s): Jan-2023 / 1st
  • Pages: 396
  • Editor: Gurchetan Singh
This book facilitate an academic exploration of Puran Singh's aesthetics, poetics, philosophy, cultural in-betweenness and his dynamic search through them to connect to the self/divine. Prof. Puran Singh's 'journeys', aesthetic, cultural, spiritual, that he undertook to explore and transform the relation of I, Self and the Other/Others underlines his works and life. This work is a celebration of dialogic relation of the Self and the Other.

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