Interfaith Relations: A Sikh Perspective

by: Gurnam Singh Sanghera

  • ₹ 295.00 (INR)

  • ₹ 250.75 (INR)
  • Hardback
  • ISBN: 81-7205-415-7
  • Edition(s): Dec-2008 / 1st
  • Pages: 263
  • Availability: In stock
This book, Interfaith Relations: A Sikh Perspective, a premier work in the field, attempts to study the issue of interfaith relations from Sikh Perspective. The book takes each religion as a different historical manifestation of the Real One, presenting visions of God, World and humanity from a localized, historically particular perspective. The book begins by providing a theoretical basis to the issue of the interfaith relations and tries to define religious pluralism. It then goes on to discuss the social and theological implications of pluralism followed by discuss on the attitude of other religions toward Sikhism both in India and abroad. It makes a thorough study of the Sikh scripture and tradition to highlight the Sikh response to plurality. The Sikh acceptance of other faiths, it’s favoring of dialogue (as against polemic) to reach the truth, its rejection of the myth of religious superiority and monopoly over truth can help bring about harmonious and meaningful relationship between different faith-communities. Scholars and students working in the field of Sikh and interfaith studies should welcome the book for its contemporary relevance as well as for its easy but impeccable style.

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