Reflections On Sikhism, Poetics and Culture

by: Gurbhagat Singh

  • ₹ 950.00 (INR)

  • ₹ 855.00 (INR)
  • Hardback
  • ISBN: 978-0-6451695-9-1
  • Edition(s): Jan-2024 / 1st
  • Pages: 478
  • Editor: Sukhwinder Singh
This volume aims at to introduce the issues related with contemporary academic debate. Section entitled 'Sikhism' deals with essays/papers which help the reader to construct newer dimensions of the Sikh worldview and the section 'Poetics' includes the analysis of problematics of literary theory that he considered significant for researchers, students and scholars of Punjab. Section 'Culture' consists of three sub categories related with issues of modern academy and politics. Dr. Gurbhagat Singh wanted to bridge the Sikh doctrines with the critical theory for exploring potential contribution of Gurmat to world. These articles reflect his commitment and expertise on topics, he was dealing with.

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