GURBHAGAT SINGH (1919-2014) was former Professor of English and Dean of Languages of Punjabi University Patiala. He received his inter-disciplinary M.A. and Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of California. He had taught at the universities in California, Delhi and Patiala. His chief interests were : Theory, Comparative Literature and Sikhism. He had participated in the C o n g r e s s e s of I n t e r n a t I o n a l Comparative Literature Association held in New York, Munich, Paris, Sussex, Tokyo. His known books are : Poetry as Metaconsciousness, Western Poetics and Eastern Thought, Literature and Floklore after Poststructuralism, Vismad, Uttaradhunikward (Pbi.), Vismadi Punji (Pbi). He had also translated Sri Guru Granth Sahib into English.