Divided by Partition United by Resilience : 21 Inspirational Stories From 1947

by: Mallika Ahluwalla

  • ₹ 295.00 (INR)

  • ₹ 265.50 (INR)
  • Paperback
  • ISBN: 978-93-5304-142-7
  • Edition(s): Jan-2018 / 1st
  • Pages: 208
During the mayhem of the 1947 Partition, lakhs lost their homes and livelihoods, lakhs died. It was a time of catastrophic loss. Despite this, people found the strength to look towards the future and focussed on rebuilding their lives and the country they had migrated to. This book captures stories of resilience and sheer grit of people caught in the vortex. It comprises life stories of twenty-one extraordinary individuals who were deeply affected by the Partition, yet went on to achieve greatness in Independent India. Through their first-hand accounts, they provide a visceral insight into the devastation of families who endured the migration, the camps and the struggle of rebuilding. Each of these stories is inspirational in a timeless way, and the book is ultimately about the resilience and triumph of the human spirit over everything else.

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