Sikh Philosophy and Religion

by: Nirmal Kumar

  • ₹ 500.00 (INR)

  • ₹ 450.00 (INR)
  • Hardback
  • ISBN: 1-932705-68-6
  • Edition(s): Jan-1979 / 1st
  • Pages: 232
  • Availability: In stock
This book strikes an intimate note in the contemporary mind as it relates the message to the evolved modern consciousness, and does not pull the reader backwards in medieval times. It answers some of its deepest questions, born of modern philosophy and theology, and provides the weary mind a feeling of tranquility in the lotus-feet of the Sikh Gurus. With simplicity and brevity the author brings out the magic and music of their universal spirit. The Gurus had to face bigotry at its extreme. This book presents their solutions, i.e. ‘active love, devoid of haumey’, to the problem of bigotry that is most disturbing to the modern people. The author relates the ideas of the holy Gurus to the ideas of the western thinkers with as such honesty and spontaneity as he relates them to the ancient visionaries of India. He shows that the power of the Gurus had grown out of their definition of truth - truth is truth if it is beautiful and good too.

Preface to the Second Edition


Approach to Heritage / 1

The Balance of the Trinity                                                                                                     

Emphasis on Brahma


Not Beyond Good and Evil


The Real / 39


Beyond Time – the Akaal Purakh


The Mystical Sway


Two Guiding Realities


Love / 68

Love and Grief

Active Love

Love and the Five Senses

Love and Anger

The Curse on the Beloved

The Unreal / 98

Is the World Incurably Sorrowful?

The Discipline / 107


Revolt against Their Times

Approach to History




Glossary / 201

Index / 223