History of The Sikhs - Vol. 3 (Sikh Domination of The Mughal Empire - 1764-1803)

by: Hari Ram Gupta

  • ₹ 895.00 (INR)

  • ₹ 805.50 (INR)
  • Hardback
  • ISBN: 978-81-215-0213-9
  • Edition(s): reprint Jan-1980
  • Pages: 420
  • Availability: Out of stock
History of the Sikhs is a five volume survey dealing with all aspects – religious, philosophical, political, military, social, economic and cultural, and the contribution of Sikhism to world civilization, in particular to human right, principles of liberty, equality and fraternity, and to the creed of democracy, secularism and socialism. The aim is to present a comprehensive view of the size, growth and development of Sikh thought and action almost in every direction. The entire series is based on original contemporary sources in English, Gurmukhi, Hindi, Marathi, Persian and Urdu known to exist in India and abroad. This volume Sikh Domination of the Mughal Empire, 1764-1803 is third in the series. The whole series is based on original contemporary sources in Persian, Marathi Gurumukhi, Urdu, Hindi and English known to exist in India and abroad.

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